Saturday, February 1, 2025

Government of Canada investing in Energy Innovation Hub in Saskatchewan

An image of a man working on specialized computer equipment with three computer monitors, with text: “$1 million for sustainable energy development in Saskatchewan”.

$1M from PrairiesCan to support sustainable growth in the energy sector

January 31, 2025 – Regina, Saskatchewan – PrairiesCan

The future of Canada’s energy industry is being built right here in Saskatchewan. Efficient and effective energy production will increase productivity, improve business competitiveness, minimize environmental impacts and ensures Canada’s energy security.

Today, the Honourable Terry Duguid, Minister for PrairiesCan, announced

federal funding of $1,000,000 for the Petroleum Technology Research Centre (PTRC) to develop an Energy Innovation Hub. This will allow PTRC to enhance physical research, testing, lab capabilities and training to support the evaluation and deployment of sustainable technologies in the energy sector.

The Energy Innovation Hub (EIH) will help a wide range of organizations in sectors including energy production, business, mining, academia, and policy development. The EIH seeks to encourage collaborative energy research between universities, industry and governments, and plays a key role in supporting energy transformation initiatives to help Canada’s energy sector move toward a sustainable, more efficient future. The EIH’s services will include research and development, testing new and improved technologies, evaluating the potential of sustainable energy projects, geological core analyses and computed tomography (CT) scanning, education and training opportunities.


“Energy security and sustainability go hand in hand, especially here on the Prairies. Canada’s future depends on homegrown innovation that strengthens our economy, creates jobs, and keeps us competitive. That’s why our government is investing in the clean technologies that will drive the next generation of energy development and build a stronger, more resilient, and green Prairie economy.”
–The Honourable Terry Duguid, Minister for PrairiesCan

PTRC is a leader in projects like CO2 storage which lessen the environmental impacts of energy production. We are also expanding our reach into projects like Regina’s new geothermal-heated aquatic centre and on the use of salt caverns for Compress Air Energy Storage (CAES) in the Prairies. This PrairiesCan funding will ensure that our expansion of energy RD&D continues.”
–Ran Narayanasamy, President & CEOPTRC

Quick facts

  • PTRC is a not-for-profit corporation founded in 1998 to facilitate research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) projects to reduce the carbon footprint and increase the production of subsurface energy.

  • The EIH hosts some of the most specialized equipment related to energy RD&D in Canada, including an industrial-scale CT-scanner, core holders and physical models, PVT chambers, centrifuges and gas chromatography analyzers.

  • PrairiesCan helps businesses and communities seize new opportunities for success in a net-zero future by supporting regional economic development, including commitments through the principles of the Framework to Build a Green Prairie Economy.

  • The Framework is a long-term commitment to work differently, through greater collaboration with Prairie stakeholders on their priorities and stronger coordination among federal departments on investments for a prosperous and sustainable Prairie economy.

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