CANADA, March 6 - Spring weight restrictions will take effect at 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2025.
These weight restrictions help minimize damage and reduce repair costs to Island roads as the roadbeds soften during the spring thaw. We appreciate our trucking industry partners for adhering to these restrictions.
During weight restrictions:
- The maximum load allowed per axle for larger trucks will be reduced on non-all-weather roads.
- Overweight permits will not be issued, and tolerances will not be valid on all-weather highways.
- Weight enforcement will increase, with fines for overweight violations potentially tripling, reaching several thousand dollars.
As the weather warms, motorists should also remain alert to other driving hazards, such as frost heaves and potholes. Please drive with caution over the coming weeks.
More information: Seasonal Weight Restrictions and a map
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